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Tigers in Malaysia

Orang Asli, the indigenous people of Malaysia, have always lived in the forest. They know it by heart, and Royal Belum State Park, at the north of the country, is no exception. However, in recent years, something changed in the oldest rainforest in the world. Animals are simply...

Wildlife Crossings

What is going on above and below France's busiest highways taking tourists from one side of Europe to the other all year around ? In this noisy and busy world lies another one with a strong story, a story of survival in a fragmented landscape. Indeed, in order to live their life - and...

Jaguars in French Guiana

Deep inside the jungle of French Guiana is unfolding a war that does not get much public interest. Young soldiers coming from continental France are sent into the jungle of Guiana to fight organized gangs coming from Brazil and looking for one thing, gold. The soldiers' mission in Guiana is lasting only 4...

Bearded vulture in the Alps

Europe’s vulture comeback is the consequence of the fight of some people to repopulate the sky. Symbol of this rescue, the bearded Vulture (or lammergeyer), this huge “bird of fire” decimated in France over a century ago. In France, lammergeyer population are spread out into 3 different groups: the Alps, Pyrenees and Corsica....

Yellowstone in Winter

Unlocking the mysteries of Yellowstone National Park (USA) in the middle of winter is a fascinating experience. In those lunar landscapes carved by the forces of the planet, an amazing wildlife is lying, shrouded in the morning mist. This inspiring travel brought me back to the bygone ice age. Signs of a geothermal...

Amur Leopard

The Amur Leopard is the most endangered species of big cat in the world. Extirpated from Korea and China, this elusive big cat only survives in its northern range, the Russian Far East. Land of Leopard, a new National Park of 2500km² (965.26mi²) created by order of Vladimir Putin in 2012 crystalizes all...

Lynx in France

Who would imagine that in a country such urbanized as France a big cat as the Eurasian Lynx would make a come back? With 27 inches (70cm) high at the shoulder and a total weight of 50lbs (23kg), the feline is the biggest of all the lynx species and is definitely not an...

Jaguars in Costa Rica

The Costa Rican jaguar, an elusive animal, is the symbol of a country devoted to the protection and valorization of its unspoilt natural spaces. The biggest cat in America is nevertheless an endangered species. Professor Eduardo Carrillo, an international expert on Central America’s cats, has recognized the threat. The investigation we carried out on...

Tigers in Bhutan

Bhutan, although a small country, has one of the biggest commitments to conservation. With the highest proportion of forest cover in Asia at 70.46%, it has almost 5 million acres of protected land that is rich in forests, pristine rivers and thriving wildlife. Placed right at the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, it...